
A Sporadically Ambitious Plan

After my last blog post a couple people commented to me about my state of mind. One person said I sounded “distressed” and another called me “riled.” Honestly, I’m just having fun! But, I understand not everyone enjoys that type of content all the time. I aim to please. So, I will postpone my blog in which I refer to Obama as “the Spawn of Satan” (c’mon guys, it’s a joke!) and will attempt a kinder, gentler post here.

I have embarked on a sporadically ambitious plan to improve my physical appearance. Ever since injuring my back over a decade ago, I have allowed my body to enter the realm of the three S’s – soft, sagging, and sick. Debilitating pain kept me from physical activity in the beginning, and the fear of pain keeps me from physical activity now. Through the power of prayer, I was healed from the worst of the pain (the doctor called it “spontaneous healing, you just get better on your own”) but I continue to have to move very carefully.

My journey to better health began a couple of years ago when a friend enticed me to go on walks with her around town. I couldn’t keep up with her at first and had to stop frequently. As my stamina improved so did my desire to exercise in earnest. I bought a series of workout DVD’s but made the mistake of thinking I could jump right in. I discovered I was actually too out of shape to really get into the routines which exacerbated my back pain. So I quit.
Luckily I found a community access cable show featuring fitness for seniors. It concentrates on flexibility and stability. A light bulb went off. I needed to increase my flexibility slowly then move into a higher intensity routine.

I started exercising with the seniors. There is one woman on the show who does all her exercises from a chair. She’s the only one who talks back to the much younger hostess. It cracks me up. (Random side note warning!) She also has reddish-purple hair. Why do senior women do that to their hair? My great aunt Eula had a wig that color. Actually, hers was more of an orange hue. I guess it’s better than blue though. Personally, I think a glorious head of natural grey hair is beautiful and I intend to take that route myself.

Anyway, the senior exercises paid off and I was able to pull out the DVD’s and keep up! I lunge and squat my way through the boring music and ignore the hostess who can’t count reps. But there is one drawback hampering my enthusiasm. My knees are killing me! So the other night I was up at three a.m. and I happen to catch a shopping channel. (Very dangerous at three a.m. You aren’t thinking clearly and are very susceptible to buying things). I did it. I bought one of those mini trampoline things. I justify my purchase by claiming it’s just what I need to help ease my knee pain. Please, if you see this item at my next garage sale, don’t say “I told you so.” The trampoline should arrive in the next two weeks. I will let you know how the workouts go, in a kind and gentle way of course.