
A Leader, My Kingdom for a Leader

I knew BO’s “long awaited” speech regarding sending more troops to Afghanistan was going to be a sham when I heard it would be announced at West Point. I am sick to death of BO using the military for photo ops. Then the coveted information was leaked (by the White House?) and we realize BO is trying to placate conservatives and the hard-core left by sending fewer troops than General McChrystal wanted and defining an exit time. You do realize the General originally wanted 60-70 thousand and 40 was a compromise? He couldn’t get that. No surprise there.

One thing that stuck out in my mind about BO’s speech last night was the defensive tone he took while whining about how he did NOT drag his feet in making this decision. Yeah, you agonized alright. Did you see the double amputee in the audience? He sacrificed those legs while Bo “agonized.” And speaking of the audience, I was very impressed with the polite way the cadets sat and listened during their many hours of captivity in the auditorium. (They showed a panorama of the scene a full two hours before the President spoke and there they sat. Who knows how long they’d been there?) Of course I expected no less from West Point cadets which is probably why BO chose the setting. But BO, for all his so-called legendary oratory skills, could not keep one cadet from stifling a yawn and another from completely falling asleep.

You would expect a President who was announcing sending troops to battle (possibly to die) to sound resolute, committed, strong, you know- presidential! But I got none of that last night. Here is what I heard…"This is important, buuut not really. We will train the Afghans toooo defend themselves aaand you’ll be home in a year and a half. We won’t stand for terrorism buuut this will be expensive.” After that I zoned out during the “blaah, blaah, blaah” of Bush blaming and self aggrandizing which had nothing to do with the announcement. It is so clearly naive to think we can train the Afghans to defend themselves in 18 mos. when we couldn’t do it in eight years. I had to glaze over for self preservation.

Another time I perked up during the speech was when BO listed his interactions with the troops. He said he visited Dover to see the “flag-draped coffins,” he consoled the soldiers at Ft. Hood and he visited troops at Walter Reed. Hello! He’s supposed to do that, he’s Commander in Chief! He ticked off these few times he actually rubbed shoulders with the military as some sort of accomplishment. Remember when he dissed the troops overseas during the campaign and instead went to the gym? He said he didn’t want to make his visit “political.” Yet every visit he’s made since becoming elected has been overtly political.

Well, there we are. We know the numbers and the time frame. The analysis began last night and will continue for several days. I’m not watching. I’ve got a date with God to ask His protection for my Marine and the fine men and women who serve.