
Third Grade At The White House

One of the reasons why teaching became so unpalatable to me was the whining I had to put up with. Some spoiled children simply did not know how to interact with others. No matter the situation it was always someone else’s fault; it was always someone else picking on them for whatever reason. Regardless of their own behavior, these students would rarely own up to having caused a problem. They just couldn’t seem to bring themselves to talk through an issue. They opted instead for name calling and retaliation.

Sound familiar? Tit for tat. We tried to nip this sort of thing in the bud in kindergarten. It became especially unsavory by the third grade. But coming from the White House administration this behavior is revolting. BO’s behavior toward Fox News and the Chamber of Commerce (to name just two) make this country look weak in the eyes of our enemies. These are not school yard bullies we’re dealing with here. These are real enemies that could bomb our _____ back to the Stone Age if they chose to. Comrade President is already an object of disdain to banana republic dictators. His current behavior lowers his status to that of laughingstock.

If the American people were embarrassed by BO’s “apology tour” early in his Presidency, his latest behavior makes us want to collectively shield our faces with our hands, pretend we don’t know him, sneak out the back gate, and leave little Barry on the playground whining “Teacher, Fox News is being me-he-he-he-hean to me.”



News of an Eagle Scout and a Boy Scout who were both suspended for having “weapons” at school made me think. What has happened to common sense in this society? The Eagle Scout had his pocket knife in a survival kit which was locked in his car. How was it discovered? I still don’t know. I do know that the blade was two inches long; that he received a five-day suspension; and that the district superintendent added another 15 days to the suspension. For WHAT? Did they really think this Eagle Scout who saved his aunt’s life by performing CPR on her was intending to use the knife to hurt someone?

And what about the 6-year-old who was suspended for 45 days for bringing his “spork” to school to use at lunch. Luckily public outcry shamed that school district into dismissing the suspension after a few days. School administrators said they were just following policy and that weapons of any kind are not allowed on campus. A zero tolerance policy is understandable, especially if one considers the heinous murders committed at Columbine High. But this one-size-fits-all policy is void of common sense.

Not all kids are the same, just as not all tools are the same. I would rather have a classroom full of Boy Scouts each with a Leatherman, than one bully with a sharp pencil. Why? Because boys who are in Boy Scouts and similar programs generally have involved adults in their lives. These adults teach them things like responsibility. One bully can do a lot of damage with a good sharp pencil (I’ve witnessed this). A Boy Scout will understand when you tell him a certain item isn’t appropriate at school and not to bring it back. The bully will just find something else to use, like a rock or a stick because the bully knows these items are not considered “weapons.”

Zero tolerance should not equal zero common sense. Classroom teachers and administrators who know students the best should be allowed to determine if the punishment fits the crime by considering a kids’ past behavior and sense of remorse when confronted. The object itself is less important than the intentions of the person using the object. I'm not suggesting calling in the thought police. But I do believe being thoughtful is the best way to approach this issue.