
Short And Sweet

This is what I remember of last week’s news and reaction from the White House: Blah, blah, blah, health care, blah, blah, lie, blah, blah, blah, half-truth, blah, blah, inconsistency, blah, blah, blah, condescending attitude, blah, blah, blah, blah, arrogance, blah, blah, RACE, RACE, RACE, blah, blah, blame Republicans, blah, blah, Buehrle pitches a perfect game - cool, blah, blah, blah, Border Patrol agent Robert Rosas murdered right here in San Diego…….. Hmm, odd silence from the White House. In fact, nary a word about a man murdered with his own gun while in the process of doing his duty to protect America. Kind of reminds me of the murder of Pvt. William Long in a Little Rock recruiting office just last month. The White House’s reaction then? (Cue the crickets chirping).

And yet we get a national haranguing about racial profiling in America by a “Professor” who stated his mother hated white people, and who said on his Yale application "As always, whitey now sits in judgment of me, preparing to cast my fate.”

Sitting there happily fanning the flames of racial mistrust is the man elected President of the United States. Seems to me, if BO was truly representing ALL people, he would have something to say about these men who were murdered in the prime of their lives. The least he could do is show a smattering of sympathy to the families and offer his condolences for crying out loud. Bottom line: this nation does not need more lectures. This nation needs a leader.