

It has been such a long time since my last blog. I have been consumed by the world of Certified Nursing Assistants. This is an interesting world to be sure. I am re-learning basic anatomy and physiology and this week commence practicing all this book learning on real people. I am nervous. In the long-term care realm, even simple actions could have deadly consequences. Giving a cookie to someone who shouldn’t have it could kill them. But I am confident the good Lord gave me brains for a reason and He will keep me grounded in common sense.

I am also interested in seeing the real world of CNA’s. I suspect they are glorified bed makers and brief changers. I have a feeling those pictures of smiling CNA’s in their cute scrubs making personal connections with residents is PR designed to mask the reality of hours on one's feet, rushing about barely speaking to residents in an attempt to get one's work done before the end of the shift. I hope I am proven wrong. I intend to take up residence in this world until I can afford to go to nursing school.

It is an interesting thing starting over - again. To sum up, it is hard to do at “my age” when I thought I would be at the top of my career game. I am not alone though. Over half the people in my class are in my age range. The oldest woman is 60, and the oldest man looks 65. Most of us are beginning again due to the economy. It is definitely comforting to be going through this surrounded by my peers. I can honestly say my concept of age has changed now that I am pushing 50 and facing another 20 years of work. I look at people who are 80 and think “Now that’s old.”

Starting over has made me more humble as well. My youth and looks are fading, my health is giving way to aches and pains, my savings are dwindling, and the concept of guaranteed employment is not as sure as it once was. I am more willing to work jobs I thought I would only take in high school. I don’t judge people as much. In my CNA class I’ve met bright, articulate, college-educated people with smart life plans who are on unemployment benefits. They never dreamed they would be where they are. We are all hoping this health care career move will be our last. Now if only my back can hold out while I make one hospital bed after another and miter corner after corner, I’ll be in good shape.