
A Mighty Wind Blows

I tend to be a “big picture” person; I like to look at trends and try to analyze them. Here is what I see: more and more people who say they have never paid attention to politics in their lives are getting involved. They are following news stories and educating themselves on the issues. More people know who is running for office and what their voting records are. I read stories of little old ladies and 40-somethings and twenty-year-olds (who say the only political thing they have done in the past is vote) manning the phones and canvassing for candidates. I hear callers to radio programs say for the first time in their lives they are emailing and calling their senators and congressmen. People are weathering snow storms to ring doorbells and talk to their neighbors about the issues. I am encouraged by this.

I think we forget that “we the people” hold the power. Even in the face of huge, corrupt government, negative nationalized press, and elite socialists who try to ignore us and portray us as ignorant, we the people have the power to change things in Washington. No one pays much attention to a single person holding a sign. When a few hundred people hold signs on a street corner and wave it’s called quaint. But when thousands of people across the country gather time and again to hold signs suddenly it’s a movement. Washington elites sit up and take notice. Somewhere in the back of their minds memories of their high school civics class are activated and it dawns on them - they work for us! And we people are empowered to take back our government.

We the people are the power of this great nation. Our ideals and our heritage, our common goals, and our desire to be free give us our power to fight the cancerous spread of Socialism from within. Our country came about by pioneers: rugged individualists who, through great sacrifice, carved out a nation built on Godly principals. Our founding fathers and the brave men and women who came before and after them left us a legacy more valuable than gold. We will not sit idly by while that legacy is destroyed.

People who have breathed freedom and had blessings from God showered upon them, do not soon forget that. When the stagnant air of oppression, recession, taxation and corruption hangs over us, we the people know what to do. We dust off our pitchforks, light our torches, educate ourselves and get to work. Aaah! I feel the wind of change already.