
My Conclusion

Impeach the bastard. There you have my summation of last night’s State of the Union address.

I could go on and on but what is the point? You have a brain and can see for yourself where our country is headed.

As for me, I simply can find no common ground with a man whose actions tell me he hates America. I find no common ground with a man who honestly thinks I’m moronic enough to believe his rhetoric, and who expects me to sit by quietly and watch while he breaks his promises. I can find no common ground with a man whose party governs against the will of the people. I find no common ground with a man who puts our military at risk while simultaneously protecting known terrorists. I find no common ground with a man who actively works to divide the country along racial and class lines.

I’ll let the pundits attack the talking points one by one. I can only come to one three-word conclusion: impeach the bastard.