
It's Called Christmas

I like wishing people a Merry Christmas. To me, it signifies the wish of not just a joyous day, but joy incarnate. When I say “Merry Christmas” I’m not proselytizing. I’m not suggesting my religion is better than anyone else’s. I’m not saying I’m right and you are wrong. I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad. For Heaven’s sake get over yourself, the holiday is called Christmas. I’m saying in essence “Have a wonderful day. Peace on Earth.”

Of course I understand the reason we have peace and joy. Jesus, who is fully God, reached down from heaven and came to us in our frail, needy, human condition to minister to us as a human; experiencing everything we do in order to bridge the gap of sin between us and God. Wow. That is cause for celebration. I love the words to O Holy Night where it says, “Long lay the world in sin and error pining. ‘Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.” There we were, unlovely, unclean, and unworthy. In that single momentous occasion God himself gave us our worth. For the first time in human history - and for all time - we, mere mortals, were made worthy to approach the throne of Almighty God. We are now worthy enough to be called children of God.

No wonder we talk about joy during Christmas. Of course the PC crowd and the ACLU, not being content with stripping the holiday of all religious meaning what-so-ever, want to completely destroy Christmas outright. Bah Humbug! Listen, if we keep quiet even the rocks will cry out. So, as for me and myself, I will continue to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I can’t help it. My soul is leaping with joy for the worth bestowed upon it. Is yours?