
It Happend In Prime Time

Did you see BO’s speech last night? I was expecting the usual lies but the audacity of the man to stand before that austere body and say what he did was breathtaking. With a straight face he claimed our economy was coming back, illegal immigrants would not be covered, abortions would not be covered, we could keep our current coverage, Medicare would not be cut, and that the plan would be self-sustaining without raising taxes. Really? How is a plan self sustaining when he claimed only five percent of the population would participate? Of course everything he said is the exact opposite of what is in the House bill.

In the beginning the speech sounded reasonable and plausible. BO gave a wink and nod to John McCain (how that RINO got nominated for President is beyond me). He outlined some things that everyone could agree on. He said he is open to all ideas and claimed he wants bi-partisan support. (I love that buzz word. BO has hijacked it to now mean “Agree with everything we want and shut up about it or we will end your political career”). But Major Garrett pointed out that Republicans sent the President a letter in May asking for a meeting to discuss their ideas. BO blew them off - so much for bi-partisan support.

I loved watching the Democrats jump up on cue and clap wildly for their Messiah. Meanwhile Republicans sat there stone faced. At least some adults in the room had not sipped the Anointed One’s Socialist Kool-Aid and could tell when they were being lied to.

My favorite part of the speech was when BO spewed another falsehood and someone on the Republican side heckled him. Did you see that? Nancy Pelosi was pissed! I thought she was going to fly her broom across the room and bean the guy. She and Joe Biden put their heads together and quickly scanned the roster to identify the impudent bastard. She nodded in satisfaction (poor guy probably got knee-capped last night) sat back with that tight, self-righteous smile on her face and mugged for the cameras again. It was priceless. BO got a taste of the town halls in his own town hall!

Aside from watching Marxist politicians ruin our country and getting lied to by the President every time he opens his mouth, I’m rather enjoying watching politics on TV now. It is like watching a prime-time drama. I never paid much attention to it in the past. But that was back when I went to bed every night knowing our country was safe from terrorists, I had a job, and the President wasn’t trying to dismantle everything I love about this free society. I will continue to watch and pray (as the song says) “we don’t get fooled again.”