
Meanwhile, In Other News...

I’m just going to come right out and say it: I’m sick of hearing about Michael Jackson. Wall to wall coverage of his death was only newsworthy for about the first day and a half. It is all I have been hearing for the past week, and not just from entertainment venues. Cable news shows are constantly rehashing the circumstances of his death and his life story. Now I’ll grant you the guy was a phenomenal entertainer. But come on, it’s not like he cured a disease or anything. I mean, John Lennon didn’t get this much press when he was shot, and a murder is far more newsworthy than a singer who overdoses on drugs. (Like that never happens).

It is almost as if we have elevated Michael Jackson to hero status. The guy never did anything hero-worthy in his life. Let’s face it, he was a talented, tortured, drug-addicted, child molester who was enabled every step of his life by people who used him to make a buck. A sickening display if you ask me. And yet, our culture practically celebrates this.

Farrah Fawcett died and I barely heard a word about her. Cable news shows did not endlessly debate whether she should have made a documentary about her death process. Billy Mays died and you probably don’t even know who he was. He was the bearded gentleman who yelled at you about Orange Glo and OxyClean. Remember? His death is far more newsworthy to me because he supposedly hit his head in a jet during a rough landing, then died that night. That is so unexpected I want to know more.

Ronald Reagan died a hero. He did more than anyone in recent history to help secure liberty and prosperity for people around the globe. Michael Jackson can’t hold a candle to Reagan hero-wise, despite what Al Sharpton says. And yet here we are, absorbed with the sordid saga of Jackson’s life. Meanwhile, in Honduras… Meanwhile, in Washington cap and trade threatens… Meanwhile, anywhere but Neverland…

It’s time to stop this false idol worship of Michael Jackson and turn our attention to far more important things. So, how’s your relationship with Jesus going?