
Move Before I Break A Hip!

It is not easy being the object of someone’s undying affection. I’m talking about my dog Mac. Mac is a Springer Spaniel and if you know anything about the breed you know they are hopelessly, religiously, obsessively, devoted to their people. Mac is especially enamored of me. He constantly follows me everywhere I go. When I pause for longer than say three seconds, he is right there touching me or on top of my feet. I seriously considered naming him “Move” because I knew that’s what I would end up saying to him all day. I can’t count how many times I have been doing dishes at the sink and turned to go somewhere only to trip over the dog. I’m convinced tripping over the dog is the number one way older people break their hips at home.

I knew when we adopted Mac from a rescue group my privacy would be gone. I can no longer go to the bathroom alone unless I close and lock the door. If I don’t Mac forces the door open, comes in, and plops down on my feet. My other dog Oreo stays in the doorway just to be sure Mac isn’t getting any undo attention. Curious about all this, the cat will march in and jump on the counter to supervise. Good thing I'm not shy! Still, there are certain mornings I find all the attention a little disconcerting.

Mac also has an obsessive need to touch me and be touched by me. He does this by sitting down, throwing his head back, and forcing me to hold his paw. At night when I’m on the couch, I beg my husband and son to divert his attention away from me just so I can have a break from his hot breath panting in my face. By then, I’ve had my day’s fill of doggy devotion and just want to be left alone.

My husband was the one who wanted another Springer. He has always loved the breed. But I knew Mac would end up being MY dog because I spend the most time with him. I get up at 5:17 every morning to feed and potty the dogs. (They are like atomic clocks when it comes time for breakfast). I’m home most of the time with the animals and tend to most of their needs. Even though I get fed up with the constant attention and having to tip-toe over him, I love Mac. I just melt when I look into those big brown eyes gazing up at me full of love and devotion. I think it is the closest thing on earth to God’s unconditional love.