
A Tale of Two Stories Part Deux

This is a follow-up to my last post ‘A Tale of Two Stories’. I generally don’t like to use other people’s work in my blog. But, as I troll mostly conservative websites, I sometimes come across writing which is much better at articulating my beliefs than my own words are. People who write these articles are paid professionals who have the ability and time to research the facts. I have the time to read the articles. I hope you don’t mind me occasionally passing along this information.

The following is an excerpt from Ann Coulter’s piece in Human Events.com. (I find her abrasive in person but I appreciate her writing.) She is comparing the liberal-left’s reaction to Muslims after 9/11 with their reaction to pro-lifers in the wake of the Tiller murder.

According to recent polling, a majority of Americans oppose abortion -- which is consistent with liberals' hysterical refusal to allow us to vote on the subject. In a country with approximately 150 million pro-lifers, five abortionists have been killed since Roe v. Wade.

In that same 36 years, more than 49 million babies have been killed by abortionists. Let's recap that halftime score, sports fans: 49 million to five.

Meanwhile, fewer than 2 million Muslims live in America and, while Muslims are less murderous than abortionists, I'm fairly certain they've killed more than five people in the United States in the last 36 years. For some reason, the number "3,000" keeps popping into my head.

So in a country that is more than 50 percent pro-life -- and 80 percent opposed to the late-term abortions of the sort performed by Tiller -- only five abortionists have been killed. And in a country that is less than 0.5 percent Muslim, several dozen Muslims have killed thousands of Americans.

But the killing of about one abortionist per decade leads liberals to condemn the entire pro-life movement as "domestic terrorists." At least liberals have finally found some terrorists they'd like to send to Guantanamo.

Tiller bragged about performing 60,000 abortions, including abortions of viable babies, able to survive outside the mother's womb. He made millions of dollars performing late-term abortions so gruesome that only two other abortionists -- not a squeamish bunch -- in the entire country would perform them.

Kansas law allows late-term abortions only to save the mother's life or to prevent "irreversible physical damage" to the mother. But Tiller was more than happy to kill viable babies, provided the mothers: (1) forked over $5,000; and (2) mentioned "substantial and irreversible conditions," which, in Tiller's view, apparently included not being able to go to concerts or rodeos or being "temporarily depressed" on account of their pregnancies.

A couple of points here: I’ve heard the number of Muslims in America could be as high as three million, for some reason we don’t know for sure. Second, she makes the point that the liberal-left (wrongly) condemns an entire segment of people based on the death of five people over the course of several years. Good. We shouldn’t judge an entire group of people due to the actions of a handful who identify themselves with that group.

I do not personally know (at least I don’t think I do) any Muslims. Nor have I read the Koran. I don’t know what drives these people or what they truly believe. But I would be willing to bet if I met a Muslim on the street today, except for the clothing, I would have no idea what that person’s faith is. Similarly, how would I be able to identify a pro-lifer?

I believe most Americans,regardless of religion, condemn the cold-blooded murder of their fellow human beings. I think most Americans hold strong beliefs about various things but would never dream of taking someone’s life to prove a point. I also think there is a small segment of the population given to fanaticism. These people are willing to go to extreme measures for whatever cause they sincerely believe in.

As we watch the moral decline of our culture; as we listen time and again to our president say we are not a Christian country; as we grit our teeth and live day to day with the outrageous display of disregard for human life all around us; I wonder. How much more can we as reasonable people ‘live with’ before we can’t take any more and turn to vigilantism? What will be the tipping point which pushes us to use violence in an effort to claw our way off this slippery slope we have created? The Bible says in the end times there will be bloodshed. We are seeing that now.

So, what to do? Well, if you are a Christian, do what your Lord told his disciples to do – watch and pray. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, not some fanatic who believes he is doing the Lord’s work. We do what is allowable within the law of God and man. But mostly, we share the good news of peace and joy that can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus. God’s love can heal many a wounded heart. Let’s be that message of love.