
The Blah, Blah, Blah of Political Semantics

Back in February I wrote about the carefully crafted semantics of politics. Basically this is the government telling people what it wants them to hear in a way that will be fully accepted. I said that BO and his administration were masters at manipulating words and their meanings. Well, back then I was being polite. Today I have to call a spade a spade. (“9-1-1- thought police, what is your emergency?”)

No, this is not a racial slur. We have endured nearly six months of BO’s rhetoric and policies. We now have evidence to show that what the man says and what he does just don’t match up. I think I can state out loud what most thinking people can clearly see for themselves. Barack Obama lies. Just about every time the man opens his mouth, he lies.

So, let’s wipe the lipstick off this pig and call it what it is. The stimulus package is not stimulating. The budget has pork. There is no transparency in this administration. Forget bipartisanship. People making less than $250,000 will be taxed through the roof. There is no such thing as a “saved job.” The government does want to run a car company. Health care reform will mean less care for everyone. And, I am a right-wing extremist spewing hate all because I dare point out that BO is leading us down the Socialist path to economic ruin.

The good news is this: following this logic, when BO says America is not a Christian nation, we know he means just the opposite. When BO apologies to the world for America’s conduct, we can rest assured that while this nation has flaws, it is still the most generous, magnificent country in the world and as a whole has little to apologize for.

Here is my tip for translating the rhetoric next time BO goes on the propaganda shows with his “Blah, blah blah.” Remember, he means the opposite of what he says. The rest are lies. If you want to really understand what BO is all about, don’t listen to his words; look at what he does. The most telling things about him are what he leaves unsaid. Compared to BO, those “right-winged extremist” talk show hosts are sounding less and less extreme. At least they say what they mean.