
Drizzle, Drazzle, Drozzle, Drome

Thank you to those of you who responded to my interactive blog about unusual words, made-up or real, you use around the house. I am using your meaning, spelling and origin when provided. I’m guessing most words are spelled phonetically. Notice how many sound Germanic. Probably because I got the most responses from families whose relatives actually speak German.

Beepschien - A term of endearment, generally used in reference to our cat. Also used occasionally as a verb describing a noise halfway between purring and suffocating. "Look at the beepschien squinching." Or "Quiet, you can hear her beepschiening." This word was created by my mother and originated from a word that Russian grandmas use in describing their grandchildren. She is neither Russian nor a grandma,so I'm not sure why she started using this word.

Dinking around – Not doing anything when you should be working. “Stop dinking around!”

Flaz – The pulp in orange juice. “I love orange juice with flaz.”

Gobbleschnarf – To eat a lot of food fast and messily. “Don’t gobbleschnarf your food.”

Pazzle – To go around naked. “The baby is puzzling”. Or “No pazzling allowed.”

Pdiddle -The term for a car with one burnt-out headlight. You want to be the first one to say it when you see the car so that you can get a kiss from someone else in the car with you. It's kind of like the slug bug game.

Plutz - A term of disgust, used in place of swear words. "Plutz! That guy just cut me off!" Origin: my dad's grandfather used to say it around my dad and his brothers and sister when they were kids.

Strawbleberry – Strawberry. “We love strawbleberries too.”

One person responded that she and her husband use phrases and words from a movie to comment on things happening around them. We do that around here too. It can be extremely funny when well-timed. Please respond with any other words you remember. My goal is to go national with this and collect enough material to publish a book. Hey, I can dream can’t I?

And now, some wise words from Wizard the Lizard, also affectionately known as Mr. Wizard “Be what you is and not what you is not! Folks that is what they is, is the happiest lot!”