
Are We There Yet?

Let’s consider what BO and his minions on Capitol Hill have accomplished in the almighty first 100 days of BO’s presidency:

Obama’s budget has created more government debt than the budgets of George Washington through George W. Bush – combined.

His proposed cap and trade energy plan will cost on average between $650 to $2,000 per household annually. Hey, weren’t we supposed to get a tax break if we made less than $250,000 annually? Oh, never mind.

His stimulus bill dumps another $9,400 per household annually of new debt into the laps of our children and grandchildren.

General Motors is now in the hands of the government and the unions.

The Department of Homeland Security now considers anyone who believes in the 2nd amendment and secure borders (as well as “Disgruntled Military Veterans”) a threat to national security. We are labeled as “right-winged extremists” even though the DHS’s own report states “The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis …has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence…” and “Threats from white supremacist and violent anti-government groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical…” Guess they don’t like all that rhetoric about the Constitution. To me this report reads like a script from Saturday Night Live. It would actually be funny if it weren’t so real.

The House just passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act which expands existing Federal law to include crimes motivated by “actual or perceived” sexual or gender identity. Think about this for a moment. How do you define perceived? Would a preacher be prosecuted for preaching

I Corinthians 6:9? (Look it up). How do we enforce and investigate “he said, she said” kinds of law? Why are we elevating certain subgroups to specially protected status? Don’t all crimes contain an element of hate? If so, don’t all of us deserve equal protection? I can see legions of people in rainbow-colored t-shirts with the words “Thought Police” emblazoned on the front patrolling our college campuses and churches. Perez Hilton would be proud.

The so-called Fairness Doctrine has reared its ugly head again and is currently before Congress. The irony here of course is that this legislation would not increase our choices and make it easier for us to get various opinions, just the opposite.

Interrogation secrets were released just as BO intends to increase our presence in Afghanistan. That’s like giving your opponent the playbook just before the big game.

And let’s not forget government-run healthcare, parts of which were signed into law in February. According to the Heritage Foundation “…the federal government would amass greater power over the financing and delivery of medical services; it would also determine the benefits and medical procedures that Americans would get and the prices providers are paid for them.” OK. Picture your last trip to the DMV. Was the clerk who helped you smiling? Was anyone smiling? Was your wait over 10 minutes? Did you wait in a comfortable, soothing environment? When my son got his military physical, he described it as “DMV with needles.” That’s what we are in for folks.

Wow, BO has certainly been a busy bee his first 100 days as president. Just imagine what he'll do in the next 1,360 days!