
Every Day in Every Way I Am...

I tried to stay away from politics and world events as long as I could. Honestly, I don’t know where to begin. I could start with the day-to-day eroding of the private sector by an administration that is clearly bent on destroying American prosperity. Or how about the embarrassing gaffes committed by BO and his lovely wife in England during the G20 summit? As if touching the Queen uninvited wasn’t bad enough, BO had to go and bow to a Saudi prince - something no American president has done, ever. Did you catch BO’s offhand remark about trying to stay awake in meetings with world leaders who were so alike he “couldn’t tell the difference” between them? BO apologized to the world for America’s behavior then he threw away our sovereignty to win the favor of similarly-minded Marxist world leaders. And while BO’s propaganda machine had us distracted by the buffoonery going on over seas, congress passed a budget with so many dollar signs and zeros I can’t keep them all straight.

I don’t even… I can’t… It’s just… The emotions come so fast they are hard to sort out. Every day in every way I am amazed at the speed with which prophesy is played out before my very eyes. I am profoundly awed by the systematic decay of our culture and the media’s duplicity in promoting that decay. I am dumb-struck by a population which chooses to blindly dismiss warnings of dire consequences for the future. I’m angered over the arrogance with which world leaders worm their way into our private lives.

The United States has a long history of generously helping countries struck by war and disaster. Over the decades we have paid dearly to help less fortunate countries. We have paid with the blood of our beloved sons and fathers. Even in our debt, America is the first to arrive with aid when disaster hits and the last to leave. We are the most prosperous, generous country on earth.

So you can understand why I am aghast every time BO forgets what country he was elected to lead and trashes America before the world. I am infuriated with the flippant way he treats his position. He is seemingly oblivious to the enormous privilege attached to the title ‘President of the United States’. I don’t think my thesaurus has enough adjectives to adequately describe my feelings.

Right about now you are probably wondering if I am capable of seeing the beauty in this world. Of course I am! I know the creator. Everything God made in this world is good. I remind myself that everything happening right now is known to Him and is part of his sovereign plan. How can I not marvel at a wonderful God who gave his Son for us? Oh yes, there is good in this world – as long as the church remains. And while we are still here, I will continue to write about BO as I see fit. Oh! And I will pray for him too. God still works miracles.