
Why I Protest

I am planning to protest again this April 15 for a number of reasons. First, my anger over what this administration is doing to our country has now turned to fear. I can’t let fear paralyze me into in-action. I have to speak out in my own way. I have to have solidarity with like-minded people to give me tangible hope we can still stop Obama-care, Cap and Tax, the VAT, and government corruption in general.

Second, protesting is a right that I choose to exercise while I still can. I may not have this right much longer. Already I am reading in the blog-a-sphere about organized attempts to disrupt and discredit peaceful tax day protests. Now, I expect the propaganda arm of the White House (lame-stream media) to smear American citizens. But I’m dismayed to learn of groups with opposing views trying to take the offensive and create trouble. That’s not what this should be about. If they think Socialist health care is such a great idea, let them stand across the street with signs that say so. I shouldn’t be surprised at this though, given our President cut his political teeth on “community organizing.” When you can’t argue the merits of particular policies, take your cue from Saul Alinsky. I believe this is just the first step in a concerted effort to silence all opposing viewpoints.

Third, my taxes are going up next year to start paying for so-called reform. The IRS plans to hire up to 16,000 agents as enforcers of the new health care bill. (Did you EVER think you’d see the day?) Plus, according to The Heritage Foundation, BO’s new budget would raise taxes by $3 trillion over the next decade, but the national debt would double over the same period. And it doesn’t stop there. The price of gas is going up which will in turn drive up the cost of everything. The unemployment rate in California hovers around 12%, the fifth highest in the nation. Can you say “second Depression?”

So, this Thursday I will be on the street corner with my little sign. It may not make a difference in the long-run, but it will make me proud again to be an American. And while I’m out there, I will think of the spilled blood of American heroes who gave their lives so I can stand on that corner. And I will breathe countless prayers of thanks to God for the opportunity.