
We Have Met The Enemy And...

First, a moment of silence for the families of those murdered at Ft. Hood and for the entire military community…

As I see it, Political Correctness killed those 13 soldiers. Ever since 1983 when Marine barracks were bombed in Beirut, our enemy has been emboldened. The attack on 9/11 proved our enemy would stop at nothing to harm us. The murder of 13 soldiers on U.S. soil, here at home, at the largest Army base in the world, where these heroes should have felt the safest, should compel us once and for all to name this enemy out loud without fear of reprisal or condemnation. Islam – there I said it, plain and simple. In the name of PC we have been dancing all around this trying not to offend anyone. In the name of PC, I believe the Army had its hands tied in dealing with this Major Hasan who we are learning, became more and more radical in his speech and actions regarding Islam in the days leading to the shooting.

What to do about it is the big question. Frankly, I don’t have the answer. But I do know those of us willing to name the enemy out loud will be condemned. Those of us who dare to suggest there are people living right beside us who harbor great resentment of the United States will be labeled prejudice. Those of us who know in our gut there is danger in a religion that glorifies killing infidels will be labeled paranoid.

There are risks for me even writing and posting this on the Internet. I risk being misunderstood for one thing. I am not suggesting we suddenly round up all Muslims and put them in a Manzanar-type facility. I am not suggesting mass deportations. I’m not suggesting we change our behavior toward people whose clothing or name suggests Islamic faith. I comprehend that people are individuals who make their own decisions. As individuals they are accountable (and should be held accountable) for their own actions.

But I am suggesting the enemy is in our midst. Can we live with the enemy? Not comfortably. It takes great wisdom on the part of its people for a country to accommodate ALL religions and remain peaceful. We do not have that wisdom. Only God does. And the answer to “what to do out it” can only be found in HIM.