
And The Award Goes To...

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize!? Wait. Did I read that right? Comrade President won THE Nobel Peace Prize? Is this a joke?

Apparently so, one perpetrated by five Norwegians on a stupefied world. Precisely WHAT has the man done of any significance to bring about peace anywhere? I guess if you count making nice with cutthroat dictators, “dissing” your country’s closest allies, telling Israel to screw itself, and wagging your finger at Iran while they build the doomsday machine worthy of a Peace Prize, then yes, BO would be the perfect choice. Ah, a man’s ways seem right to him.

Well, congratulations Mr. President. I’m sure your wife is very proud, mmm, mmm, mmm. Your star power has given you the ability to gloss over colossal embarrassments you cause the United States and make you the darling of fascist regimes world wide. Go ahead, shuck and jive for those applauding you Mr. President. But if I were you, I’d be wary of that glint you see behind the backs of those lauding your “great accomplishment”. The world leaders who smile at your face today will be the ones driving the knife deep into your back in the not too distant future.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to prepare my “barf bags” for the onslaught of self aggrandizing that will play non-stop on the state controlled media for the next month.