
The Two-Faced Pig

Did you hear about the two-faced pig? True story. I heard it lived nearly a year before one of the faces aspirated its food and died. This country is like that pig. It is a two-party political system. But one of the parties is about to aspirate on its own ideology and kill this country. We the people, like a farmer, try to care for the pig. But every time we debate the issues one of the faces turns around and bites us. The pig, led by this dominant face, squeals and runs away from the sometimes painful but necessary care it needs to survive. I just hope we the people don’t get tired of getting bit and give up caring for the pig. Worse yet, I hope we don’t get a proverbial shotgun and put the pig out of its misery. I think this pig is worth saving. And with enough care and attention, I think this pig can turn around and become a truly useful animal.