
When I Became Close Minded

A relative asked me after my last blog post when I became so close minded. Well, let’s see. In college I was the most liberal person in my family (so I’m told.) What happened? I grew up.

I became close minded when my eyes were opened to the direction this country was going and I wanted to get involved. I became close minded when I went against “conventional wisdom” (and the advice of nearly everyone around me) to make a very difficult decision in my life. I became close minded when my wonderful sons were born and I saw the negative influence of popular culture all around them.

I became close minded as they passed through public and private schools and I was able to draw comparisons about the good and bad of both. I became close minded when I ended a 16-year career in corporate America to become a public school teacher. I became even more close minded as I witnessed the level of deceit in Washington escalate a hundred fold under the Obama administration. Lastly, and probably most importantly, I became close minded when I stopped playing church and started living my faith.

Conviction does not equal close mindedness. My prayer is that I stay in the will of God as I stick up for my beliefs in a hostile culture.