
The Carefully Crafted Semantics of Politics

What is the first thing any good demagogue does when gaining power? Anyone? That’s right. The demagogue seeks to control the media. Why? Because the demagogue knows that to control the free flow of ideas is to control the emotions and passions of the people. Control words and you control ideas.

Let’s look at Barack Obama. He ran a presidential campaign on slogans, platitudes, and imagery carefully crafted to mask the fact he had very little idea about how to actually run a country. The media abetted his campaign by asking him questions a four-year-old could answer. Obama’s campaign staffers came up with the mantra of “change” and never defined what that change would mean. When those in the conservative press tried to pin it down, they were demonized and called racist. Why, just look what happened to average citizen Joe the Plumber when he asked an innocent question.

As our president, Obama is continuing his carefully crafted semantics of politics. At a press conference announcing his mortgage bailout Obama used the word "crisis" 24 times. This was designed specifically to elicit fear in the American people. When people are fearful they begin looking for answers. Obama wants fearful people looking to HIM for answers. And there he will stand, ginning from ear to ear offering up a heaping plate of Big Government. Or consider his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who has daily phone calls with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and CNN’s Paul Begala (among others in the media) not to disseminate information, but to craft its delivery to a waiting nation. And further consider a story in Politico.com that at least half a dozen prominent journalists have now taken jobs with the federal government. I guess it takes a lot of spin doctors to keep those plates twirling.

Now we hear the Fairness Doctrine being bandied about on the Hill, as if our country needs to be rescued from the evil clutches of talk radio. There must not be enough liberal, biased, unethical sources of information out there for the Democrat’s liking. It will only be a matter of time before the American people start choking on what is being crammed down their throats. When that happens, the peasants will pick up their pitchforks and the demagogue (and his minions) will have some ‘splaining to do.