
Sick To My Stomache

When I heard about the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt I thought "How could this happen?"  We have the best Marines - cream of the crop - who are trained to fight to the end to protect our Embassy buildings and those inside.  I knew in my gut something wasn't right because I know Marines don't give up or give in.  But I also know Marines follow orders.  I didn't want to suspect  our Marines were told to let this happen.  I didn't want to think any American would give an order that would endanger lives and stop these brave men from doing their duty.  But today my suspicions  were confirmed.

From the Washington Free Beacon:  "U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition, limiting their ability to respond to attacks like those this week on the U.S. consulate in Cairo.  Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson 'did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition,' according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blogs spotted by Nightwatch. 'She neutralized any U.S. military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.'" 

Are you disgusted with this administration yet?  Maybe if we talk nice that will stop these fanatics from scaling the walls, burning our flag, and killing our own on foreign soil.  And while we're at it let's put soldiers right in harms way as sitting targets.  But tell them to forget all their training and indeed their very instinct to survive.  Instead instruct them that in their job of defending our Embassys they can't actually have bullets. Yeah, that will placate the Muslim world.  Sick? Absolutely.  Disgusted?  Beyond belief.  Infuriated?   I can't begin to tell you.   


An Interesting Job Description

For the past two years I have been working in the healthcare profession. In that time, I've been able to refine my career goals mostly in terms of what I don't want to do.  I think I have settled on a career direction so periodically, I scan the on-line want ads to get a feel for available jobs in my area. This day I found an ad from Planned Parenthood for a Medical Assistant. Here are the top three listed essential functions for this position taken directly from the ad:

 Essential functions encompass the required tasks, duties, and responsibilities performed as part of the job and the reason the job exists.
  • Adhere to affiliate goals and policies on professionalism, wait time in-clinic and on the system for addressing client complaints. 
  • Participate in health center efforts to achieve established goals for productivity. 
  • Participate in health center/affiliate efforts to achieve established revenue cycle goals.

 If I assume the listed functions are in order of importance then I can only conclude that Planned Parenthood's number one concern is getting clients out of the waiting room as quickly as possible. That seems reasonable; nobody likes to wait. But I believe their motive for a short wait time is more nefarious. The less time a woman has to think about her choices the less likely she is to change her mind and walk out the door.

Their number two concern is achieving goals for productivity. Productivity on what? Ask yourself, what primary service does Planned Parenthood offer? Now think about that service in terms of a productivity goal. It makes me sick to my stomach to think Planned Parenthood defines aborting babies in terms of a "goal" to be met.

Their number three job function is to achieve established revenue cycle goals. And right there, in Planned Parenthood's own words, you have what I believe to be their number one reason for existence - profit. I'm a capitalist and I believe every business should be free to make a profit. But killing innocent human beings to meet an "established revenue goal" is breathtakingly barbaric. I can't help but think  those who engage in the practice day after day surely become calloused to the point of  losing their very souls.

I'm glad I came across this job opening. Like I said, I'm defining what I don't want to do in healthcare.